Vote Pro-Palestine

Our mission is to inform you of Pro-Palestine politicians you should be voting for. Your informed vote gives you the power to influence tangible change and support politicians advancing the rights and welfare of the Palestinian people.

Pro-Palestine Presidential Candidates

Cornel West

Independent Party, Political Activist & Philosopher

Cornel West passionately advocates for Palestinian rights, criticizing Israeli policies and supporting movements for justice and equality. He actively highlights Palestinian struggles, emphasizing the need for a more balanced approach to the Israel-Palestine conflict that respects Palestinian rights and dignity. West's stance champions Palestinian rights and advocacy for a fairer resolution to the conflict.

Jill Stein

Independent Party, Physician & Activist

Jill Stein, the former Green Party presidential candidate, has been a vocal advocate for Palestine. Recently, she made headlines by condemning Israel stating that its war crimes have reached genocidal proportions. Stein has consistently criticized the provision of military aid to Israel and actively promotes a two-state solution. Her stance against Israel's West Bank settlements has positioned her as a figure that’s sympathetic to Palestinian rights.

Neutral Presidential Candidates

Dean Phillips 

Democratic Party, Businessman & Politician

Dean Phillips, a U.S. Representative, backs a two-state solution for Israel-Palestine, prioritizing recognition of rights and security for both sides. He stresses dialogue, diplomacy, and concerns for Gaza's humanitarian situation. While supporting Israel's self-defense, Phillips advocates for a fair resolution that respects the aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians. His approach aims for balance, seeking peace and stability in the region.

Marianne Williamson   

Democratic Party, Author & Activist

Marianne Williamson supports Palestinian rights and advocates for a balanced approach to the Israel-Palestine conflict. She promotes diplomacy and dialogue for peace, condemning violence and human rights abuses on both sides. Williamson recently emphasized that the Israeli settlements, occupation, & blockade of Gaza is illegal & immoral.

Anti-Palestine Presidential Candidates

Joe Biden

Democratic Party, Current US President

Joe Biden has demonstrated significant backing for Israel at the expense of Palestinians. He has advocated for multiple military aid packages to Israel without imposing any conditions, all while innocent Palestinian civilians bear a heavy death toll. In addition, Biden's declaration of being a 'Zionist' is indicative of a lack of consideration for the repercussions of Zionism & Palestinians.

Donald J. Trump     

Republican Party, Former U.S. President

Donald Trump's administration strongly favored Israel, evident in policies like recognizing Jerusalem as its capital and moving the U.S. Embassy. His "Deal of the Century" was criticized for heavily favoring Israel and neglecting key Palestinian concerns. Trump's actions largely supported Israel's stance without actively pursuing a balanced resolution to the conflict.

Vivek Ramaswamy           

Republican Party, Entrepreneur & Author

Currently out of the 2024 Presidential race. Vivek Ramaswamy hasn't prominently voiced his stance on the Israel-Palestine issue. His focus has been on business, social commentary, and cultural topics rather than foreign policy matters. Recently, Vivek stated that he would like to stop American tax dollars from going to Israel.

Nikki Haley                

Republican Party, Politician

Nikki Haley, the former U.S. ambassador to the UN, strongly supported Israel during her tenure, defending its actions and criticizing UN bias. When asked about her take on the current Israel-Palestine bombardment, she stated she sides with Israel unconditionally.

Ron DeSantis             

Republican Party, Governor

Currently out of the 2024 Presidential race. Ron DeSantis, Florida's Governor, has maintained a consistently pro-Israel stance, supporting its policies and emphasizing U.S.-Israel ties. He's signed anti-Semitism legislation and worked to bolster Florida-Israel relations. His positions strongly align with Israel's interests, with no public indication of a pro-Palestine stance.

Robert F. Kennedy         

Independent Party, Environmental Actvisit & Lawyer

Robert F. Kennedy's stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict isn't extensively documented, as his focus was on domestic issues and social justice within the United States. However, when asked about his stance on the recent October 7, 2023 conflict between Israel & Palestine, Robert clearly sided with Israel claiming it has a right to self-defense. None of his recent responses consider the Palestinian struggle.

Ryan Binkley  

Republican Party, Pastor & Businessman

Ryan Binkley, CEO of the Binkley Co. and publisher of the Alaska Dispatch News, hasn’t been prominently engaged in discussions regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict. However, when pressed about the current October 7, 2023 Israel-Palestine conflict, Ryan Binkley stated that the US should continue its unwavering financial & moral support for Israel given the threat of Hamas & Iran.

Asa Hutchinson      

Republican Party, Businessman & Politician

Asa Hutchinson, the former Governor of Arkansas, has concentrated on domestic policies, with limited public discourse on foreign policy matters like the Israel-Palestine conflict. However, as governor of Arkansas, Asa has been praised by Benjamin Netanyahu (prime minister of Israel) for his states production of aero defense weaponry currently used against the Palestinian people.

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